What is Impostor.jl?
Impostor is a synthetic tabular-data generator based on random samplings over pre-defined values. One of the main features of Impostor is its ability to generate data making sense of relations between columns.
Avaliable Providers
Getting Started
First of all, let's make sure that the Impostor package is installed in your current environment:
using Pkg; Pkg.add("Impostor")
Generator Functions
To get started with Impostor, select your generator function of choice, the simplest example is to generate single and multiple values specifying the number of expected values in the output.
julia> firstname(5)
5-element Vector{String}: "Shannon" "Hailey" "Glenn" "Eugene" "Charlene"
julia> firstname() # equivalent to firstname(1)
Generator functions may be found in each of the Providers individual pages or via the API Reference page.
When a single value is produced by the generator function, as in firstname(1)
from the example above, the returned valued is automatically unpacked into a String
(or other applicable type depending on the generator function) instead of being returned as a Vector
with exactly 1 element.
This behavior might change in future releases.
All generator functions accept a locale
keyword argument, in case no value is provided in the locale
kwarg the Session Locale is used (see section Concepts below).
julia> firstname(2; locale = ["pt_BR"])
2-element Vector{String}: "Bianca" "Raul"
julia> firstname(2; locale = ["en_US", "pt_BR"])
2-element Vector{String}: "Maria Julia" "Felicia"
In order to change the default locale
used by the session use the setlocale!
julia> setlocale!("pt_BR");
julia> firstname(2)
2-element Vector{String}: "Enzo Gabriel" "Ana Sophia"
Impostor Templates
Besides providing several generator functions which may be used as standalone data series generators, Impostor also exports the ImpostorTemplate
which is a utility struct to encapsulate formats and generate a fully fledgned table.
julia> template = ImpostorTemplate([:firstname, :surname, :country_code, :state, :city]);
julia> template(3)
ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type Missing to an object of type String Closest candidates are: convert(::Type{String}, ::WeakRefStrings.WeakRefString) @ WeakRefStrings ~/.julia/packages/WeakRefStrings/31nkb/src/WeakRefStrings.jl:81 convert(::Type{String}, ::FilePathsBase.AbstractPath) @ FilePathsBase ~/.julia/packages/FilePathsBase/Laclt/src/path.jl:117 convert(::Type{String}, ::String) @ Base essentials.jl:298 ...
julia> template(5, DataFrame; locale = ["pt_BR", "en_US"]) # optionally provide a `sink` type
ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type Missing to an object of type String Closest candidates are: convert(::Type{String}, ::WeakRefStrings.WeakRefString) @ WeakRefStrings ~/.julia/packages/WeakRefStrings/31nkb/src/WeakRefStrings.jl:81 convert(::Type{String}, ::FilePathsBase.AbstractPath) @ FilePathsBase ~/.julia/packages/FilePathsBase/Laclt/src/path.jl:117 convert(::Type{String}, ::String) @ Base essentials.jl:298 ...
In order to facilitate naming and referencing later on the major concepts implemented are described below:
Generator Functions: are the users' main point of interaction when generating data, every function exported by Impostor which produces data is a generator function.
Providers: are the broader domain in which the contents and generator functions are organized. For example some of the available providers in Impostor are Finance, Identity and Localization.
Contents: correspond to the specific intermediate kinds of data available for generator-functions to manipulate. For example, within the Localization provider, some of the available contents are
which are combined by the generator-functions likeaddress
to produce entries returned to the user.Locales determine the locale domain from which the each content is sampled in its respective generator function. For example, generating data with
firstname(5; locale=["pt_BR"])
will generate the content "firstname" from the provider "Identity" corresponding to names typical to the brazillian portuguese language.Session Locale: corresponds to the default locale used by the generator functions when no
is explicitly provided as a kwarg. The session locale can be set at any time with thesetlocale!
function, taking on also multiple values for the session locale, e.g.setlocale!(["pt_BR", "en_US"])
The convention followed by Impostor throughout its API is to rely on Julia's multiple-dispatch paradigm and provide users with 3 different methods for (almost) all generator functions. Such methods adhere to the following convention:
Implementation | Method Signature | Desctiption |
Value-based | func(n::Int) | Simply generate an output with n entries produced by func . |
Option-based | func(v::Vector, n::Int) | Generates an output with n entries produced by func but restricting the generated entries to specified options in v , which specific contents will depend on func . Generator functions taking on options in different levels accept the level kwarg, when that is the case, docstrings will explain each specific behavior. |
Mask-based | func(v::Vector) | Generates an output with length(v) entries produced by func . The contents of v specify element-wise options to restrict the output of func . Equivalent in terms of output with calling [func(opt, 1) for opt in v] (i.e. the option-based generation), but sub-optimal in terms of performance. Generator functions taking on masks in different levels accept the level kwarg, when it is the case, docstrings will explain each specific behavior. |
julia> firstname(3) # value-based generation
3-element Vector{String}: "Gloria" "Neil" "Crystal"
julia> firstname(["F"], 3) # option-based generation
3-element Vector{String}: "Gabrielle" "Lori" "Diane"
julia> firstname(["F", "M", "F"]) # mask-based generation
3-element Vector{String}: "Heather" "Devin" "Brittany"
Contributions are welcome, both in implementation, documentation and data addition to the static files. Don't hesitate to reach out and request features, file issues or make any suggestions.
For the specific cases of contributing with code and/or data addition, we strongly suggest that you skim through the Quick Tour page in the Developer Guide section in order to get familiar with the structure and overall design of the package.
Future developments in Impostor will target the addition of different providers such as:
- Business
- Business name
- Business field
- Technology
- IPV4/6
- MAC address
- File extension
- File name
- Vendor
- Device
- Contact
- Username
- Phone number
- Social media
- Color
- RGB Color
- Hex-Color