Neovim Fusion

The Radioactive Neovim Colorscheme

Fusion is a dynamic and visually appealing dark colorscheme plugin for Neovim, designed to enhance the coding environment with vibrant and harmonious color combinations. Developed with Lua, this colorscheme aims to improve code readability and aesthetics while maintaining consistency across different programming languages thanks to nvim-tree-sitter.

This project emerged as a result of my miserably failed attempts of finding a dark colorscheme that matched my preferences once I transitioned from vscode with Monokai to Vim and later on Neovim. After countless colorschemes tested I decided to create my own…

Key Features

  • Consistency: Emphasizing consistency across different programming/markup languages ensured by Tree Sitter.
  • Rich Color Palette: Offers a blend of vibrant and subtle colors, making code more readable and visually appealing.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Supports a wide range of programming languages, ensuring consistent and clear syntax highlighting.

For more installation instructions and other details, visit the fusion.nvim repository.
